Czech translation for "Customer portal 7.1.x" of Vtiger CRM system
Czech language mutation for "Customer portal 7.1.x" of Vtiger CRM system.
1. Unzip the downloaded file czechVtiger71_v1.0_customer_portal.zip (7zip, Total Commander).
2. In the "Customer Portal" location on your server, copy the contents of the /i18n folder via FTP (FilleZilla, Total Commander etc.), which you unpacked in the first step into the same directory.
3. Edit file config.php
self::$data['languages'] = array(
a přidejte nový řádek
array('label' => 'Čeština', 'value' => 'cs_cz'),
a dále řádek:
$default_language = 'en_us';
změňte na
$default_language = 'cs_cz';
4. Edit file layouts/default/templates/Portal/Login.tpl
<option value="en_us">US English</option>
a nad přidejte:
<option value="cs_cz">Čeština</option>
5. Edit file layouts/default/resources/components/main.js
$scope.language = "en_us"
změňte na
$scope.language = "cs_cz"
6. Edit file portal/layouts/default/resources/application.js
změňte na
One license allows you to run an add-on on only one instance (installation).
The license is negotiated as a non-exclusive and indefinite license.
The copyright, as well as other intellectual property rights, in respect of the supplied software remain with the respective entities as their bearer and are not affected by this obligation.
The buyer has the right to assign rights to use the software only if he does so together with the domain (s) on which the module is installed.
The Buyer is not entitled to rent, lend or sell SW accessories to third parties.
The Buyer is not entitled to remove, alter, obscure or in any other way interfere with any copyright or other markings of the relevant entities located or stored anywhere in the supplied software or in documentation distributed with it.
The copyright to the supplied software, accessories or documentation belongs to the seller. All logos, registered trademarks, trademarks, other brands and product names belong to their owners. In case of a license to operate the software, all copyrights belong to the seller and the creator of the software. By granting the license, the buyer does not acquire any rights to trademarks of the seller or third parties.
Copyright is governed by the laws of the Czech Republic.
If the Buyer does not meet the above license conditions, the Seller may claim financial compensation in case of lost profit.
The supplied software as a copyright work is protected in particular by Act no. No. 121/2000 Coll. of the Copyright Act and Act no. 140/1961 Coll., Criminal Code. The Buyer is entitled to use it only to the extent and in the manner stipulated by these Terms and Conditions.
Version 1.0.0
Release Date: 29.03.2019